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Home Goods Hardware Marsello Success Story

Home Goods Hardware's Automated Campaigns

Home Goods Hardware Marsello Success Story

Hobart-based retailer, Home Goods Hardware, uses customized marketing automation to welcome new customers and encourage them to shop. The brand’s automated marketing emails have seen an 80% increase in attributable revenue in 8 months and their Welcome Email itself has seen an excellent open rate of 50%!

A banner with purple-faded-to-blue background with the screenshot of an email campaign overtop. The email says offers the reader a $100 gift card and prompts for a review.

Home Goods Hardware provides a top-notch experience from the moment shoppers land on their website. When you visit Home Goods Hardware’s online store, you’re greeted with vibrant images of home furnishings, along with trending products and staff picks. A small form sits at the bottom right corner of the store's homepage, encouraging shoppers to join the Home Goods Hardware email list. Customers who sign up get 15% off their first purchase.


And the fantastic customer experience doesn’t stop there! To further their marketing reach, Home Goods Hardware also has a Custom Automation that’s geared towards Window Shoppers who have created an account with the retailer but haven’t purchased anything yet. In addition to a 15% discount code, the email contains interesting brand tidbits along with links inviting customers to explore the site. 


The bottom of the email features a gorgeous Instagram widget showcasing some of the brand’s posts, along with an invite to “Stay in the loop”. With an open rate of 50%, click-to-open rate of 41%, and a solid conversion rate of 4.9%, Home Goods Hardware can track the success of this automated flow from the very first email, and those results are even more remarkable when you consider that they’ve chosen to market to a smaller customer segment who have previously not shopped before.


Altogether, Home Goods Hardware has created a world-class Welcome Newsletter that targets customers who could easily slip through the cracks. Aside from encouraging people to shop, the message does a terrific job of re-introducing the brand to Window Shoppers, making them feel at home with the store and encouraging them to make a purchase. It’s no wonder that this email alone gets so many opens, clicks, and conversions!



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