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The Ultimate Guide To Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) Campaigns in 2024

This ultimate guide offers practical, actionable strategies to make your Black Friday/Cyber Monday campaigns a success in 2024.

Francesca Nicasio

Loyalty & Marketing Expert


Fact: the Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) retail frenzy continues to go strong. Year-over-year, 8 in 10 surveyed shoppers plan to make a purchase during one of the biggest shopping events of the year.  

And while the massive marketing campaigns of retail giants dominate the headlines, BFCM also presents an opportunity for small and medium-sized retailers to show off, attract new markets, and build a loyal customer base.

With time to prepare, it’s possible to compete with the big players. This ultimate guide offers practical, actionable strategies to make your Black Friday/Cyber Monday campaigns a success.



Benefits of running BFCM campaigns

BFCM campaigns are rewarding, but they require careful planning and execution to pay off. Done right, however, they lead to a multitude of benefits, such as:

  • Increased sales and revenue. BFCM shopping sprees can cause a spike in your sales figures. 200.4 million shoppers spent an average of $321.41 in 2023 throughout the Thanksgiving weekend.
  • Enhanced brand visibility. Your promotions put your brand in the search results when consumers hunt for BF/CM deals. Researchers concluded that increasing discount and event-specific advertisement exposure can help brands gain attention.
  • Attraction of new customers. Temporary price cuts lower the risk of trying a new brand or product. Offering special discounts can draw in first-time shoppers who might not have discovered your shop otherwise.
  • Improved customer loyalty. Proper campaign execution can convert curious one-time buyers into loyal customers. This study proved that customers who are satisfied with your pricing and promotions are more likely to stick around.

These benefits can determine whether it’s a good idea for your business to invest in these high-impact days (spoiler alert: they usually are). 

But different brands, different strokes. In some cases, an alternative strategy might be a better fit for your company. If that's your situation, you'll need to weigh the benefits against the risks.

Drawbacks of running BFCM campaigns

Drawbacks don’t spell disaster. A lot depends on how you strategize and manage your campaign, so it’s good to educate yourself on what they are to plan ahead for them.

  • Potential reduced profit margins. Deep discounts can cut into profit margins. If your typical profit margin is 40% and you offer a 30% discount, you’re left with only 10%. 
  • Operational pressure. Order influx can strain logistics and staff. You might require additional resources (e.g., on-call staff, extra shipping carriers) to fulfill increased demand.
  • Risk of unsold inventory. 11% of retailers expect holiday stockouts and may stockpile buffer inventory to avoid this. This surplus is difficult to sell at full price post-campaign, forcing you to resort to markdowns.
  • Attraction of deal-hunters with low lifetime value. Discounts can trigger impulse purchases from bargain hunters. Unfortunately, a study found that 31% of impulse shoppers experience dissatisfaction, and 28% won’t do it again.
  • Brand misalignment. Aggressive promotions may clash with your brand’s image. A luxury store offering steep discounts might undermine its exclusive image, alienating loyal customers who value its premium status.

Note: Opting out of BFCM campaigns can be a strategic choice based on your specific cost-benefit analysis. You don’t have to conform to market trends if the trade-offs outweigh the benefits.

If you sell handmade high-end jewelry, for instance, huge discounts could dilute its upscale image and feel unfair to patrons who bought at full price. Participating in BFCM is likely unsuitable for you. 

Now, if you DO decide that BFCM is right for your business, you can outsmart these drawbacks early on. The key is setting realistic expectations and devising strategies to counteract them.

7 tactics and strategies for successful BFCM campaigns

You’re not only slashing prices and posting advertising campaigns online when running BF/CM promotions. You need a well-rounded approach to optimize everything from pre-launch to post-sale.

Check out these best practices to maximize your sales, attract the right customers, and avoid common pitfalls.

Collect relevant customer and transaction data 

Without data, creating BFCM campaigns is like flying blind. Historical holiday sales provide useful information, so they’re worth diving into. They disclose information on popular products, optimal discounts, and peak traffic times from past campaigns.

To keep clutter and outdated information at bay, 93% of marketers believe having a single data source is advantageous. However, only 65% have one. 

Consider investing in ERP systems (e.g., Netsuite), customer data platforms (e.g., Klaviyo), and loyalty program tools (e.g., Marsello).  These systems consolidate data from various sources—such as online sales, in-store transactions, and customer interactions—into a single, unified database.

Having an integrated database allowed Brandini Toffee a gourmet food brand, to launch more consistent, targeted promotions across sales channels. Acting on real-time data, they attracted 30,000 loyal customers to their database and tripled their revenue growth.

So when planning BFCM promotions, look to accurate, up-to-date data to engage your audience and achieve the same impressive results.

Sign people up for your marketing lists

Email and SMS campaigns have been proven to drive eyeballs, foot traffic, and sales. These methods work well because your marketing lists offer a direct line to your audience. 

Ask potential shoppers to sign up for your SMS updates, email newsletters, and loyalty programs before and during the holiday sales.

Sending emails beforehand can build anticipation with exclusive pre-sale and early access offers. 

See how this pre-BFCM teaser builds up urgency by adding the “while supplies last” line below the discounted products. It stirs up interest and prompts action from eager shoppers:


Source: Really Good Emails

If you’re gaining traction, why not double down while the promotion is still live? Here’s another branded email campaign that has a clear, compelling call-to-action:


Source: Really Good Emails

Post-campaign, invite first-time shoppers to join your loyalty program to deepen their connection with your brand. Make the sign-up process easy and appealing to eliminate barriers that might otherwise discourage potential subscribers.

Check out this example from Smack Bang, a pet accessory and bakery shop. They automatically enroll shoppers in their loyalty program with every purchase. The brand’s loyalty base grows without requiring extra work from customers.


Send personalized thank-you messages after the purchase to reinforce the positive experience. To encourage repeat purchases post-BF/CM, reward points, offer birthday bonuses, and create tiered rewards that incentivize higher spending.

Run lead-up campaigns

55% of shoppers took advantage of early holiday sales, with 35% shopping the week before Thanksgiving. 

Targeting early shoppers can help you close sales before they exhaust their budget during the Cyber Week shopping rush. You also get to spread out your sales, minimizing logistical bottlenecks and preventing stockouts.

Take NZ-based apparel brand Merrell launching an “earn points now, redeem discounts later” campaign during the Labour Weekend. 

You can use this tactic to drive up initial sales before BFCM while setting up customers for a more lucrative shopping experience a few weeks later.


Set up automated lead-in campaigns based on customer actions, like cart abandonment or wishlist additions. This is a great way to re-engage shoppers who have shown interest but haven’t yet completed their purchases, which can increase BFCM conversion rates.

Align campaigns with your brand values

Everyone’s feed overflows with “save 50%” on this and “30% off” on that. Retailers often use eye-catching visuals, catchy slogans, and influencer partnerships to cut through the noise. 

While these tactics can help, highlighting your brand’s genuine purpose and commitment can set you apart.  It could be your commitment to sustainability, ethical sourcing, or supporting local communities.

Ten Tree, a sustainable clothing brand, has perfected this strategy. Launched around November, they called their campaign “Green Friday Sale” instead of Black Friday Sale. 


This differentiation appeals to consumers who prioritize environmental responsibility and want products that match their values. Here are several other ideas to achieve this:

  • Double loyalty points - create a limited-time promotion where shoppers earn double points for purchasing eco-friendly products or doing sustainable actions
  • Ethical Sourcing - publish transparency reports highlighting your commitment to ethical sourcing and fair labor practices
  • Transparent storytelling - share sustainability stories, behind-the-scenes, and initiatives

Turn fleeting shoppers into long-term patrons by weaving your brand core values into your BF/CM campaigns. Failing to do so could leave you as another spam entry in an oversaturated market.

Leverage social media marketing

Social media can generate up to 5 times more online traffic than email and digital advertising during the holiday season. Think of it as a 24/7 digital billboard. Your content should make people want to come in and check out what’s on offer.

Share sneak peeks, countdowns, and exclusive previews to intrigue your followers. Hop on trends using popular music, like this TC Elli’s Black Friday post on TikTok.


This funny, on-trend content is a light-hearted way to connect with your audience. 

Other strategies you can try to boost your social media BF/CM campaigns are:

  • Partnering with influencers to drive authentic traffic
  • Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) posts to boost your social proof
  • Run BF/CM-related giveaways on social media to attract new followers
  • Use branded hashtags and popular, relevant ones to increase discoverability

Engagement doesn’t end when you hit the post button. Don’t forget to monitor and respond to your audience’s input to keep the conversation going.

Create urgency and scarcity

31% of shoppers said a limited-time sale or promotion persuaded them to shop for something they were hesitant about. Fear of missing out (FOMO) gives your campaign the nudge it needs to boost conversions and sales.

To make this strategy work for you, consider adding these key elements:

  • Limited-time offers - launch countdowns or flash sales that prompt immediate action
  • Exclusive deals - use phrases like “while supplies last” or “limited quantities available” to highlight scarcity 
  • Limited editions - introduce exclusive or limited-edition items that won’t be restocked

Convey a sense of urgency, but do it with substance to avoid coming off as pushy. See how Sigi Skin didn’t only announce the sale deadline. The sustainable skincare brand also went on to point out the benefits of using its products in this brief Instagram reel.


Urgency without authenticity can make your offers seem like a high-pressure sales tactic. Always combine both to win over your target audience.

Prepare your online store for high-traffic visits

A website that loads in 1 second converts 5 times better than one that takes 10 seconds. It improves user experience and search engine rankings, making it easier for BFCM shoppers to find and do business with you.

Days or weeks before Thanksgiving, simulate high traffic to check if your site can handle increased loads. Run site speed tests using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check its load times. 

Review Google Analytics for high bounce rates to understand how well your site retains and engages visitors. High bounce rates indicate underlying issues like sluggish performance, boring content, or poor user experiences.

Moreover, experts projected mobile sales to hit two trillion U.S. dollars this year—63% of total retail ecommerce. Optimize your site for mobile devices to capture every sale potential. Simplify the checkout process with autofill options, large buttons, and streamlined forms.

When the stakes are high during BF/CM, a slow, unresponsive site can mean lost sales and frustrated shoppers. Be sure to have an action plan in case of site crashes and customer complaints.

Further considerations for BFCM in 2024

You’ve got the basics down. But here are additional tricks and tips to help you handle the high-stakes season confidently.

  • Advanced marketing tools. If you have the resources, consider investing in these tools to streamline your efforts and improve your campaign performance:
    • AI-driven analytics for better customer demand forecasts
    • Automated email marketing to deliver personalized messages on autopilot
    • Chatbots for real-time customer support
  • Well-optimized tech stack. From your CMS to your payment gateways, double-check that everything functions seamlessly. Regularly update your software and conduct routine system checks to avoid technical glitches during peak times.
  • Omnichannel experience. Offer a consistent, integrated experience across all your sales channels. It includes real-time inventory synchronization, consistent messaging, and smooth device transitions.

Short on time? If you’re reading this on the fly, here are some last-minute BFCM campaign hacks to get you going.

Wrapping up your BFCM strategy

The 7 strategies outlined above ensure your BFCM campaigns capture attention and build consumer loyalty. This way, you keep shoppers coming back long after the holiday sales end.

Automate your BFCM campaign planning with Marsello’s loyalty and marketing software. It streamlines and simplifies data collection, program sign-ups, lead-up campaigns, campaign value alignment, social media leverage, urgency marketing, and web store preparation.

Start planning now and turn this peak shopping season into your most successful one yet! Talk to a retail expert today.


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Read more: 7 Steps To Building A Profitable Loyalty & Rewards Program

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    How Holiday Marketing Can Boost Sales Win Customers for Life

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    Holiday marketing is an undeniably important aspect of retailer’s business management, so how do retailers stand out and get their brand noticed?

    Woman working on a laptop  to create Black Friday themed marketing


    How can you be sure that retail holiday marketing is worth your time? How do you get noticed when the competition is so stiff? How do you stand out and boost customer loyalty? What about attracting new customers at the same time …


    In short, there’s no sure-fire combination of strategies to get exact results, however, by looking into holiday shopping patterns and statistics from recent years, we can plan for this coming holiday season and use this information to stand out from other retailers who use the same strategies each year.


    So what’s the big deal with holiday marketing and is it worth your time? Let’s take a quick look at the stats.

    Holiday marketing calendar

    When asked to predict the 2018 Halloween shopping patterns for a recent article and survey, National Retail Federation (NRF) President and CEO Matthew Shay said, “the economy is good and consumer confidence is high, so families are ready to spend on Halloween this year.” According to the same NRF survey, 2018 shoppers planned to spend almost $9 billion this Halloween, with $3.2 billion predicted to be spent on costumes and just under $3 billion on decorations. In total, shoppers plan to spend an average of $86.79 this Halloween. With more than 175 million Americans planning to partake in Halloween festivities this year, the revenue and participation predictions for 2018 alone make it worthwhile for retailers to jump on the bandwagon and create targeted marketing with this in mind.

    Not yet convinced?


    Statista and the National Retail Federation released reports stating that "the holiday season accounts for around 20% of the retail industry's annual sales, and can account for as much as 30% of an individual retailer's total sales", as reported by RJMetrics. Further research published by RJMetrics suggests that from Black Friday through to Christmas, 50-100% more revenue as compared to revenue earned during shopping days throughout the rest of the year.

    A worker on their laptop checking marketing emails

    Holiday marketing is an undeniably important aspect of retailer’s business management, so how do retailers stand out and get their brand noticed? Check out this list of 150 Years of the Best Holiday Campaigns, by the team at BigCommerce for a fun look at the history of holiday marketing and big-scale success. We’ve gone ahead and put together some suggestions to get you started and make your long-term marketing game a lot easier for you to manage, while still competing against the big guys!


    Create a holiday calendar

    Planning for holiday season madness is the best way to get a jump start on managing the madness. Create a calendar which includes important details relevant to your store, such as, holidays and dates, start and end dates of sales, key dates for marketing pushes (when you plan to send email flows or post on social media) and when you expect to be at your busiest. However, don’t just make a calendar; stick to it and keep on top of it! You need to be checking it regularly if you want your holiday marketing to reach its full potential.

    If you’re tight on time or you just don’t know where to start, no worries! I’ll let you in on a little secret, Marsello has just released an exciting new feature for Shopify that will take care of your holiday marketing calendar and take care of your holiday email promotions for you. With smart suggestions on the best time to initiate holiday sales, based on your customers' shopping patterns, it’s a simple as a few clicks to get your holiday email marketing sorted. Just think of the holidays you could be marketing for in the future!

    A retail holiday timeline infographic spanning from Superbowl Sunday to April Fools Day

    Plan for all marketing mediums

    It’s not enough to rely on social media and canned EDMs to reach your customers. Trust that big players are putting weeks of work into targeting their customers so why not take some inspiration from them. Create marketing that is customized to each holiday event or sale, and carry those themes or colors all of your marketing, you can even go the extra mile and create marketing that is customized to specific customer groups. Just make sure it’s eye-catching and recognizable to your brand.


    Scheduling tools are another great way to automate some of the social media marketing heavy lifting by allowing you to curate your social media months in advance. What about emails, though?


    Automated email flows that help with customization, design, scheduling, and recipient organization can take a large portion of the pressure off from retailers at the busiest time of the year. Why not take time on a quiet day to tee-up some emails flows which are scheduled to send exactly the right amount of time? Emails triggered to send just before a sale starts, urging customers to shop before that sale ends, or even to make them feel special by offering them a discount code which gives them early-bird discounts are proven ways of directing customers to your website or store. Marsello uses smart suggestions to recommend the perfect time for you to be sending these emails, starting your sales, and even how much of a discount to offer your customers.


    Email flows are a cash-cow when it comes to customer loyalty and win-backs causing revenue increases, so tap into that with themed emails. Using automated email flows allows for all of the creativity without any of the after-thought or memorizing optimal send-times. Keep an eye out for our Cyber Week blog which gives a detailed example of a holiday email flow plan.


    Marsello has you covered with holiday email flow marketing. Check out our easy to use, easy to customize Halloween email flow example below to get an idea of how simple it is to set up and just how eye-catching your emails can be.

    Marsello's Black Friday email flow

    Customizing your email flows to suit events, customers or updates is proven to be highly effective. A 2015 study by the National Retail Federation found that email marketing alone can increase revenue by up to 40% in some industries.


    Prepare and optimize your website

    Website optimization is the bread and butter of your online customers’ experience.


    If your website takes a long time to load (hopefully from increased holiday traffic, although possibly from large image sizes), there’s a risk that shoppers will get bored of waiting and move on to other online retailers. If this isn’t reason enough to update your website, Google published an article in February 2018 stating that bounce rates increase by 32% from just a 1 second to 3 second loading time; at 6 seconds the bounce rate increases to 106%.


    What does optimizing your website have to do with your holiday marketing?


    This is the perfect time use your website as a promo platform by customizing it to advertise your short-term festive deals. Think about it this way: if you’re going to promote deals, sales or even gift ideas to your customers through direct marketing, they should immediately see the links between your marketing and the page they’re directed to on your site. Your landing page is theoretically your customers’ first interaction with your website so you want it to grab their attention, show off your brand and direct them to your most unmissable deals. It should remind customers why they were attracted to your site – for the enticing deals and sales. Even if they’re not shopping online, a huge proportion of customers are inclined to research who has sales and when so it’s best to make it easy and enticing.


    One thing to take note of is to make sure that your online store is mobile friendly! In early 2017, Adobe predicted that mobile spending alone would total over $1.2 billion in revenue on just Black Friday. You want to be sure that all of your customers who browse on cell phones and tablets are seeing your website and enticing festive deals in all of their must-have glory.


    Australia-based pet products store, Peticular, created this adorable, original and distinctive landing page to show off their cute Halloween themed products and to get their customers shopping both in-store and online. We love the way they showcase their products on those adorable pets, while also keep it fun, themed and on-brand – special mention to the witty use of ‘howl-o-ween’.

    Peticular's halloween-themed website updates

    Curate a gift guide

    Support your newly customized landing page and branded email flows by directing customers to your best-selling products and most festive items with a gift guide. Suggesting ideas for gifts takes some of the pressure off your customers while also driving them to the products that best suit the occasion. Some retailers couple their gift guides with their landing pages, similar to Peticular’s landing page, others create extra website pages that suggest gift ideas, while some chose to send personalized email-flows that suggest top sellers or items. Whatever your preferred method, it’s easy to see why including your top picks, best sellers or a festive-themed selection would draw customers to your website or brick-and-mortar store.


    One key step of this is curating your items in a branded and attention-grabbing way; show off your products so that they sell themselves! Choosing a festive color palette to stick to, or even just adding holiday-themed fonts could be the difference between making a sale or losing a customer to another festively decorated site.


    Think like a customer! How often have you come into the holiday season knowing that you had gift shopping to do and you felt unsure where to start? The power of suggestion is a great tool for giving customers the extra push to make a purchase. Business Insider Intelligence recently released a report that stated that 55% of shoppers were doing their holiday shopping in-store to browse for gift ideas. Now imagine how many of those shoppers would make a purchase if they saw your beautiful gift guide with items. Maybe they were already planning to look at your store and your gift guide gave them the perfect answer to their gift conundrum.


    Refinery 29’s gift curator landing page is a creative take on the gift guide. They created this cute curator filled with blog-style suggestions for cute gift ideas, including product reviews and even ideas for who the gift may suit.

    Refinery 29's Gift Curator


    Gift guides don’t have to be restricted to just your website, they also make an clever email-flow with a clear call to action that says ‘shop now and score great deals on these products, and more’. Great Lakes Northern Outfitters, a Minneapolis-based men's apparel store, released a great example of an email gift guide last year. The guide includes a careful selection of their favorite items, followed up with links that correlate directly to each item through a simple numbering system.


    Great Lakes' holiday gift guide

    customers who receive email gift guides like the one above will be enticed by the beautiful images, recognize the clear and high-quality branding, and start to wonder who these gifts would suit if not themselves. All of the high-quality products that Great Lakes have selected follow a similar color palate and create a hugely appealing advertisement for their products. Maybe their next email would be aimed at reminding their customers of holiday sales and deals, or even to offer short-term discounts. Top tip: follow-up is key. Don’t leave your customers to forget your email, and remember to avoid being too pushy.


    Final Words:

    Don’t be caught on the back foot with your marketing heading into one of the biggest retail events of the year. The more time you give yourself to create a plan and execute it, the easier it will be, and as the stats show, the more revenue you’ll see. It’s a recipe for success! The holiday season is a busy time in general, which makes it a difficult time to get the extras like added marketing sorted, and figuring out the best way to approach your holiday marketing can be a daunting task; one thing is certain, you can’t go wrong with some careful customization and personalization.

    There are plenty of marketing tactics, and at such a busy time of the year sometimes the best option is the easiest. Just remember, with a little planning, email automation, and smart product targeting, you’re already leagues ahead. Get started now, and while you’re planning, check out our other holiday marketing blogs as they’re released so that you’re fully informed with exactly how Marsello can do the hard work for you.

    If you’re wondering exactly how to get started with the Marsello holiday email flows, check out our feature guide: ‘Tis the Season for More Sales: Introducing Holiday Email Flows from Marsello.

    6 Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

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    Happy workers are every employer’s dream. When your employees are satisfied and love what they do, they will continuously bring their A-game…

    A women serves a man from behind a shop counter.


    Happy workers are every employer’s dream. When your employees are satisfied and love what they do, they will continuously bring their A-game and achieve great results.

    Needless to say, keeping your employees happy is a must.


    In addition to compensating them fairly, you should also have a rewards system in place to further motivate your team. Now, for a business owner, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out the best reward for your employees. Every business is unique after all!

    But to help you figure it out, here are some tips to consider:



    1. Good old fashion gratitude


    It may not seem like much, but simply expressing how much you appreciate your employees can go a long way. A gratitude survey conducted for the John Templeton Foundation found that “70 percent [of respondents] would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful and 81 percent would work harder.”

    However, here’s the thing: it appears that there’s a gratitude gap in the workplace, because while the vast majority of people want to be appreciated, a mere “10% expressed gratitude to their colleagues every day,” and “60% say they either never express gratitude at work or do so perhaps once a year.”

    Don’t be part of the majority of people who don’t express their gratitude enough in the workplace. Instead, strive to create a workplace culture that encourages appreciation among colleagues. 

    Here are some suggestions: 

    • Set the right example. If you’re a business owner or manager, take the lead when it comes to expressing appreciation. Other employees will soon follow suit. 

    • Find the unsung heroes. Trying to decide who to thank? Start with the silent types. Find those employees who keep their heads down and produce great work. 

    • Create a public gratitude journal. That’s what the Administration and Finance office of UC Berkeley did. They set up a public ‘kudos website’ that displayed messages of appreciation. You can implement a simpler version of this, using a bulletin board in the workplace. 

    • Be personal and sincere. Steer clear of generic compliments or messages. Find a unique employee characteristic that you’re genuinely grateful for, then express your appreciation! 

    • Take your staff out for lunch or a morning coffee. Spending some one-on-one time with your staff is a great way to show you appreciate them. It also helps you get a better understanding of their day-to-day working environment, and pick up on ways to improve your business. 


    2. Pizza, anyone?


    Just like gratitude, a free meal or snack doesn’t cost much, but it can make a huge difference. If you’re looking for an easy way to reward your best employees, treat them to lunch or a box pizza.

    Research has shown that free food (particularly pizza) might be even more effective in boosting productivity than monetary rewards. 

    The Cut cites an interesting experiment involving the staff at a semiconductor factory at Intel in Israel. For the experiment, workers were divided into four groups: 

    • One group received a message promising them a pizza voucher. 

    • One group received a message promising that they will get a compliment from their boss. - One group received a message promising a cash bonus of 100 NIS (around $30) 

    • One group didn’t receive any messages. They served as the control group for the experiment. 

    The results of this were surprising. According to The Cut: After the first day, pizza proved to be the top motivator, increasing productivity by 6.7 percent over the control group, thereby just barely edging out the promise of a compliment (in the form of a text message from the boss that said ‘Well done!’). Those in the compliment condition increased their productivity by 6.6 percent as compared to the control group. But the worst motivator, much to the company’s surprise, was the cash bonus, which increased productivity by just 4.9 percent as compared to the control group. 

    It’s interesting to note that cash was the worst motivator of the bunch, and it demonstrates that cash isn’t necessarily ‘king’ when it comes to employee rewards. This isn’t to say that money isn’t important; it should still be a factor, of course. However, as an employer or boss, you should also recognize that money isn’t everything. You need to incorporate other elements into your employee rewards strategy.



    3. Time off and flexibility


    A Fractl survey of 2,000 people found that job seekers ranked ‘more flexible hours’ and ‘more vacation time’ as the second and third most important benefits when considering jobs (the first was better health benefits).


    Published graph about the considerations people make when deciding about jobs


    Clearly, time off and flexibility are important to today’s workforce. If you’re able to offer more flexible hours and schedules to your staff, by all means, do so. Your team will love you for it. 




    4. Free or discounted merch


    Be generous with your staff discounts and freebies. Aside from being a great token of appreciation, giving your team access to your merchandise also helps their product knowledge.

    Case in point: I recently had a positive customer service experience when I went into a store to buy a new pair jeans. After being greeted by a staff member, I was given personalized help and information about the different jeans I was trying on. 

    The associate gave me specific advice and input about each pair. She knew which products didn’t stretch too much and she had some great product care tips to share. 

    When I complimented her on her deep product knowledge, she explained that her boss gives her different items of clothing to try out when they get new stock. 

    Consider doing similar in your store. Give your employees free (or heavily discounted) merch. In addition to keeping them happy, you’re also helping them get to know your products better. That, in turn, leads to better shopper interactions and happier customers. Win-win. 




    5. Personalized rewards


    Do you want to provide a token that really stands out? Then tailor your reward to each specific employee. 

    For example, if you know that your store manager enjoys musicals, why not get them free tickets to the hottest Broadway show? Do you have an associate who’s expecting her first child? Give her a baby care basket. 

    Get to know your employees, figure out what they like, and come up with the appropriate rewards.

    One useful tool that could help you get the hang of creating captivating and appropriate rewards is Canva’s Certificate Maker.

    Consider ideas like gift certificates – a piece of paper given by the retailers to their employees and customers which can be used in exchanging goods and services. Some eCommerce sites offer digital gift certificates to cater to a bigger audience with varied preferences. Retailers also use certificates as a reward for employees for their hard work and are sometimes given to their top customers as a gift of appreciation.

    For a wide array of designs, Canva Certificate Template is an online tool that can be used by retailers or eCommerce sites in creating more appealing gift cards for their employees and customers.




    6. Recognition


    For obvious reasons, recognizing and calling out someone for a job well done motivates them to do even more stellar work. So be sure to recognize your team members whenever they do something great.

    We should also note, though, that recognition shouldn’t just come from the top. While it’s good to know that the boss recognizes great work, it’s equally important for an employee to feel recognized by his or her peers. 

    The people that someone works with day-to-day have a big impact on their morale and output. So it makes perfect sense that being recognized by their peers can do wonders for productivity and performance.

    So, encourage peer-to-peer recognition. You can do this in your staff meeting or sales huddles. Ask your staff to name team members they think are doing really well and help spread some good vibes all around.



    What’s the best way to reward your staff?


    We just gave you a bunch of ideas on how to reward your employees. The question is, which method is right for you? The short answer is it depends. There’s no one-size-fits-all rewards system, since each business and work environment is different.


    Infographic of how of men and women weigh up job-based perks


    You need to factor in the personality types of your staff or even their gender. Frac.tl found that men and women prefer different types of rewards, so you need to take that into consideration as well. 

    The bottom line? To find out which types of employee rewards work best, have a think about what makes sense of your staff and business. You may need to test a few tactics to really figure out what works, and keep at it. 


    Final words


    Building a great working culture is about appreciating and encouraging your staff, and enabling them to be advocates for your business. 

    Your staff are the face of your business, so by creating a supportive environment that actively notices and rewards great work, you’re not only doing your staff a favor, you’re also paving the way for a better customer experience and business overall.

    Exceeding Customer Expectations and Wowing Your Customers

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    Exceeding expectations and offering a memorable experience is often what transforms casual shoppers to loyal customers.


    Exceeding expectations and offering a memorable experience is often what transforms shoppers into loyal customers and gets them talking about your business.

    With happy, satisfied shoppers equaling a higher referral rate, which results in a lower customer acquisition cost, it’s essential that your staff deliver a Wow customer experience at every customer interaction. And customer referrals are a great way to encourage more foot traffic into your store. In fact, an impressive 74% of consumers identify word-of-mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decision [Ogilvy].

    In their Retail Brief - Inflection Points: Seizing the Moments in Customer Loyalty, Loyalty marketing experts Aimia say that exceeding customer's expectations is all about seizing the moment. “Customers are so well trained by experience to expect the bare minimum in service and attention that even modest efforts to exceed baseline expectations can pay dividends in customer loyalty.”

    How do you ensure your customers have a great experience?

    The way customers feel about your in-store service is important. Research by Hubspot indicates that 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they have been treated.This means it’s essential that your staff excel in their role as ambassadors for your store. The best customer anecdotes about their shopping experiences are often because of a single staff member going the extra mile.

    Every customer that comes into contact with your business should be treated to the very best customer service experience.

    Best-selling author and retail expert Doug Sandler suggests making a loyal customer is more important than making a sale. So if shoppers leave your store without buying something, make sure they’ve still left with a smile on their face!

    Delivering a great in-store experience

    When your staff greet customers in-store, have them take a moment to read customers’ body language and think about how they can best be approached.

    Every customer is an individual with different needs, wants, and tastes. So have your staff members’ service reflect this. However, the one consistency all shoppers want is to feel listened to.

    Encourage your staff to go the extra mile. If a customer asks a question staff don’t know the answer to, have them take down the customer’s details so they can be called back later, or when shoppers are browsing, holding onto a million things at once, have staff offer to put items in the changing room for them.

    Any discomfort for shoppers should be alleviated when possible. So have staff seize the moment and show they are attentive to customers needs.

    Deliver a great online experience

    For your customers who reach out to your store online, it’s equally important that they have a top-notch experience with your business too.

    There is often a disconnect between online customer service and in-store. But as customers increasingly expect an omnichannel experience, it’s essential to be consistent across all customer channels in order to deliver this.

    Have your staff keep an eye on your social media channels so they can respond helpfully - just as they answer phone queries and in-store question. Edison Research reports that 42% of shoppers expect a response within 60 minutes. So be prompt and make sure your customers feel welcome when they reach out to you online.


    Surprise and delight

    If you really want to get your customers talking - surprising and delighting them is the key. It doesn't have to be significant gestures, but little touches combined with great customer service ensures that your customers feel significant and appreciated in-store.

    One effective method is to send out birthday offers to celebrate their special day with them, or how about a 'thanks for shopping' offer that they receive shortly after making a purchase. You can automate these with Marsello. Or perhaps go the extra time to wrap up their chosen goods carefully with stylish packaging, or offer spot discounts to customers at random. Not only does this build customer relationships with your staff - you’re also empowering them to excel in their job and provide your customers with frictionless, Wow service. 

    Quick Tips

        • Keep a note of in-store interactions which might need to be followed up - e.g. customers wanting to know more about a specific product, or wanting to order in a specific item, and give customers a call or send them an offer to let them know when the item is in stock. Following up with your customers later is a great way to ensure they have multiple positive interactions with your business.

        • Email marketing can be a great way to bridge the gap between ‘seeing’ your customers online and in-store. Keep them updated about your new developments and tempt them in-store with special offers and new stock updates.

    5 Ways to Reduce Abandoned Shopping Carts

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    Experiencing abandoned shopping carts in your eCommerce store? Learn the basics of bringing customers back to your store to complete their purchases.

    payment carts and a 'sale' market product placed on a laptop


    Experiencing abandoned shopping carts in your eCommerce store? You’re not alone. According to Baymard Institute, 67.45% of eCommerce shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes the sale. This means your eCommerce sales numbers may only be one-third of what they could potentially be.

    The good news is, there are proven ways to turn this around and save a good portion of those sales that slip through the cracks at checkout. It’s definitely worth spending a bit of time to discover why your customers aren’t always completing their purchases. If you’re having problems with abandoned shopping carts, before worrying about driving more traffic to your store, your checkout conversion is the first thing you should address. After all, what’s the point in driving traffic to your store, if customers will just slip out when it comes to your checkout process.


    Why do your customers abandon carts?

    First, find out where the majority of customers are abandoning their carts, and why. These are the most common reasons, found by the Baymard Institute. Could any of them be applicable to your store?


    Graph showing reasons for customer's abandoning their carts during checkout

    What you can do

    Once you figure out the major reasons customers are abandoning your checkout, focus on plugging these leaks first.

    1. Cut unexpected costs where you can

    Sometimes adding costs to orders is out of necessity, like taxes, shipping, and fees. Ask yourself, are your added costs fair? Are they expected? And, are they explained? If you can’t cut added costs, make sure it’s clear what these added fees are paying for. Consider offering free shipping on orders over a certain amount. As Invesp reported, “93% of online buyers are encouraged to buy more products if free shipping options are available whereas 58% of consumers add more items to cart to qualify for free shipping.”


    2. Allow guests to purchase

    Some shoppers just want to make a quick purchase. They don’t have the time to create an account. Allow shoppers to check out as guests.


    3. Optimize your checkout process

    One in four shoppers abandons their shopping carts due to a “too long/complicated checkout process”. Optimize your checkout process by cutting down the number of steps or required fields. Consider testing to see if single-page or multi-page checkouts work for you. Some studies have shown single pages to be more effective and some retailers see better results from multi-page. It’s a good idea to see what works for you. If you’re going to use multi-page checkout, including a progress bar to show the customer how they are progressing can help nudge them through. One upside of opting for multi-page, is you capture the customer's email early on the first page, allowing you to follow up later with an abandoned cart email if they do abandon it.


    Beach Therapy's online cart during customer checkout


    4. Build trust

    From website errors, not enough information on returns and guarantees, to unusual payment methods, shopper trust can be lost pretty quickly when it comes to them feeling in the mood to hand over their credit card details.

    • Make sure your eCommerce site is with a trusted provider, like Shopify, Lightspeed or BigCommerce to help ensure it’s not likely to error or crash.

    • Offer different payment methods and use trusted payment gateways, like PayPal.

    • Use security logos. In a test published by Get Elastic, an online retailer found that by placing a security badge on their site, sales increased 4-6%. Yet other studies show a decrease when using these logos. So it’s important to test the placement and style.

    • Display total price upfront, before the customer is required to enter their payment details.

    • Offer guarantees and refunds. By having a clear and practical guarantee and refund policy, you’re adding peace of mind to the shopper’s experience.

    Of course, even with all these improvements, some shoppers will still abandon. Not to worry, here’s where abandoned cart recovery emails come in.


    5. Recovering abandoned carts

    When shoppers start the checkout process and add their email address, but stop before completing the sale, they aren’t a lost sale yet. You can still win them back with an automated abandoned cart email app.

    Using Marsello, you can design a series of two great-looking follow-up emails that automatically pull in the products that were in the customer’s cart, reminding them of what they left behind. Once you’ve customized the design, you can set the times you want the emails to automatically send.

    Tips for a successful email:

    • Include product images of the item/s they selected.

    • Include a strong call-to-action button that takes them back to their cart to complete their purchase.

    • Make it your own with your branding and messaging, but keep it short.

    • Send the first email out within 24 hours, and the second within a few days.

    • Try adding a discount coupon code on the second email to entice them to complete their purchase.

    Walker's Beard & Shave abandoned cart email


    Final words

    With just a few simple processes in place, you can be well on your way to solving the issue of abandoned carts during the shopping process. Our final tips are to make sure you're incorporating compelling subjetc lines, captivating your customers visually, and making using of AI and personalization!!

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